Monday, November 11, 2013

card of the week (11-17 nov): nexu (neutral)

It's really not hard to figure out that the 5 star cards are the best and most valuable. 

Card of the week is a new feature I've added in to highlight awesome lower value 3 or 4 star cards that you can consider for your formation. I help you pick out the best to plug in the gaps till you get your 5 stars ;)

The dust of the geonosian battle arena has settled for quite a bit.

Love it or hate it (depending on how lucky you were in getting them I guess), the battle arena animals were an interesting addition to the game.

The CAP cost of 16 is on the high side so it has to be a pretty good or special card to warrant usage after the event.

When I first saw the card stats of all the animals, I wanted Reek the most as it looked like a very good defensive card. 

Until I started to use all 3 in my formation...

I was surprised by the results! Nexu often lasted the longest (and takes down a few in the process) followed by Reek and then Acklay.

Now how is it that Nexu is outlasting the rest? Nexu is the perfect example of a glass cannon. Massive attack with very minimal defense.

But is it? Is Nexu really a glass cannon?

Because it's not really glass if you have trouble hitting it!

Take a look at it's Evasion stat. It's one of the highest at the moment (let's not compare with 5* jar jar shall we?) and that's what makes Nexu a really awesome card.

Nexu is what I call a gamble card (though id say the odds are stacked at least 60-40) in your favour. If it manages to avoid getting hit, it'll mow down your opponents real quick (even against 4 or 5* opponents) but if it does get hit it does go down pretty quick.

A 4 card evolve gives Nexu a massive 10,294 attack rating. Give Nexu a go and see how well it does!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Evolving: Why and How?


Evolving is the process of maximising the potential of your card by fusing several copies of the same card together.

Enhancing your card to it's maximum level is only the first small step. By evolving your card (up to 3 times) you are extending the usual attack and defence stats beyond it's usual maximum.

While it may seem like a good idea to use multiple copies of a card (especially if it's a good one) in your formation, it is important to remember that your battle formation has only a limited 18 slot allocation and by evolving all your cards, you'll have a much stronger and balanced formation.

Another important reason to evolve your card is that every evolve gives your card an additional 250 hit points (this is a fixed amount) to a total of 1750 hit points for a max evolved card. More hit points means you last longer on the battle field and that is always a good thing.


There are several methods to evolve your card. A perfect evolve requires 8 similar cards. 2 other conventional methods require either 4 or 6 similar cards. I've also included one unconventional method requiring 5 similar cards.

First and foremost, the most important thing to remember is: ALWAYS enhance every card to it's max level before doing any evolving. A max level card passes on 7% of its stats to the next evolve whereas one that is not at max level only passes on 4%.

4 card evolve

The 4 card evolve is the fastest and cheapest way to get your card to max evolution.

01. Enhance 1st base card to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base card to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base card to max.
05. Evolve step 3 with step 4. Enhance to max.
06. Enhance 4th base card to max.
07. Evolve step 5 with step 6. Enhance to max.

A 4 card evolve achieves approximately 97.8% of a perfect evolve.

5 card evolve

The 5 card evolve isn't a conventional evolve method but is something I've added as a cheaper/faster alternative to the 6 card evolve.

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Enhance 4th base to max.
06. Evolve step 4 and step 5. Enhance to max.
07. Evolve step 3 and step 6. Enhance to max.
08. Enhance 5th base to max.
09. Evolve step 7 and step 8. Enhance to max.

A 5 card evolve achieves approximately 98.5% of a perfect evolve.

6 card evolve

There are two methods of achieving a 6 card evolve.

1st method:

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Enhance 4th base to max.
06. Evolve step 4 and step 5. Enhance to max.
07. Evolve step 3 and step 6. Enhance to max.
08. Enhance 5th base to max.
09. Enhance 6th base to max.
10. Evolve step 8 and step 9. Enhance to max.
11. Evolve step 7 and step 10. Enhance to max.

2nd method:

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Evolve step 3 and step 4. Enhance to max.
06. Enhance 4th base to max.
07. Enhance 5th base to max.
08. Evolve step 6 and step 7. Enhance to max.
09. Enhance 6th base to max.
10. Evolve step 8 and step 9. Enhance to max.
11. Evolve step 5 and step 10. Enhance to max.

A 6 card evolve achieves approximately 99.2% of a perfect evolve.

Perfect Evolve

A perfect evolve is a 8 card evolve which gives you the true maximum potential of a card.

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Enhance 4th base to max.
06. Evolve step 4 and step 5. Enhance to max.
07. Evolve step 3 and step 6. Enhance to max.
08. Repeat steps 1 through 7 (for 5th to 8th bases)
09. Evolve step 7 and step 8. Enhance to max.