Monday, November 11, 2013

card of the week (11-17 nov): nexu (neutral)

It's really not hard to figure out that the 5 star cards are the best and most valuable. 

Card of the week is a new feature I've added in to highlight awesome lower value 3 or 4 star cards that you can consider for your formation. I help you pick out the best to plug in the gaps till you get your 5 stars ;)

The dust of the geonosian battle arena has settled for quite a bit.

Love it or hate it (depending on how lucky you were in getting them I guess), the battle arena animals were an interesting addition to the game.

The CAP cost of 16 is on the high side so it has to be a pretty good or special card to warrant usage after the event.

When I first saw the card stats of all the animals, I wanted Reek the most as it looked like a very good defensive card. 

Until I started to use all 3 in my formation...

I was surprised by the results! Nexu often lasted the longest (and takes down a few in the process) followed by Reek and then Acklay.

Now how is it that Nexu is outlasting the rest? Nexu is the perfect example of a glass cannon. Massive attack with very minimal defense.

But is it? Is Nexu really a glass cannon?

Because it's not really glass if you have trouble hitting it!

Take a look at it's Evasion stat. It's one of the highest at the moment (let's not compare with 5* jar jar shall we?) and that's what makes Nexu a really awesome card.

Nexu is what I call a gamble card (though id say the odds are stacked at least 60-40) in your favour. If it manages to avoid getting hit, it'll mow down your opponents real quick (even against 4 or 5* opponents) but if it does get hit it does go down pretty quick.

A 4 card evolve gives Nexu a massive 10,294 attack rating. Give Nexu a go and see how well it does!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Evolving: Why and How?


Evolving is the process of maximising the potential of your card by fusing several copies of the same card together.

Enhancing your card to it's maximum level is only the first small step. By evolving your card (up to 3 times) you are extending the usual attack and defence stats beyond it's usual maximum.

While it may seem like a good idea to use multiple copies of a card (especially if it's a good one) in your formation, it is important to remember that your battle formation has only a limited 18 slot allocation and by evolving all your cards, you'll have a much stronger and balanced formation.

Another important reason to evolve your card is that every evolve gives your card an additional 250 hit points (this is a fixed amount) to a total of 1750 hit points for a max evolved card. More hit points means you last longer on the battle field and that is always a good thing.


There are several methods to evolve your card. A perfect evolve requires 8 similar cards. 2 other conventional methods require either 4 or 6 similar cards. I've also included one unconventional method requiring 5 similar cards.

First and foremost, the most important thing to remember is: ALWAYS enhance every card to it's max level before doing any evolving. A max level card passes on 7% of its stats to the next evolve whereas one that is not at max level only passes on 4%.

4 card evolve

The 4 card evolve is the fastest and cheapest way to get your card to max evolution.

01. Enhance 1st base card to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base card to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base card to max.
05. Evolve step 3 with step 4. Enhance to max.
06. Enhance 4th base card to max.
07. Evolve step 5 with step 6. Enhance to max.

A 4 card evolve achieves approximately 97.8% of a perfect evolve.

5 card evolve

The 5 card evolve isn't a conventional evolve method but is something I've added as a cheaper/faster alternative to the 6 card evolve.

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Enhance 4th base to max.
06. Evolve step 4 and step 5. Enhance to max.
07. Evolve step 3 and step 6. Enhance to max.
08. Enhance 5th base to max.
09. Evolve step 7 and step 8. Enhance to max.

A 5 card evolve achieves approximately 98.5% of a perfect evolve.

6 card evolve

There are two methods of achieving a 6 card evolve.

1st method:

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Enhance 4th base to max.
06. Evolve step 4 and step 5. Enhance to max.
07. Evolve step 3 and step 6. Enhance to max.
08. Enhance 5th base to max.
09. Enhance 6th base to max.
10. Evolve step 8 and step 9. Enhance to max.
11. Evolve step 7 and step 10. Enhance to max.

2nd method:

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Evolve step 3 and step 4. Enhance to max.
06. Enhance 4th base to max.
07. Enhance 5th base to max.
08. Evolve step 6 and step 7. Enhance to max.
09. Enhance 6th base to max.
10. Evolve step 8 and step 9. Enhance to max.
11. Evolve step 5 and step 10. Enhance to max.

A 6 card evolve achieves approximately 99.2% of a perfect evolve.

Perfect Evolve

A perfect evolve is a 8 card evolve which gives you the true maximum potential of a card.

01. Enhance 1st base to max.
02. Enhance 2nd base to max.
03. Evolve step 1 and step 2. Enhance to max.
04. Enhance 3rd base to max.
05. Enhance 4th base to max.
06. Evolve step 4 and step 5. Enhance to max.
07. Evolve step 3 and step 6. Enhance to max.
08. Repeat steps 1 through 7 (for 5th to 8th bases)
09. Evolve step 7 and step 8. Enhance to max.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Card Catalog (Neutral)

Neutral 4 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
Bib Fortuna Att 4810 5483 6250 6972 7022 7070 7125
Def 4560 5198 5925 6610 6657 6702 6754
Boushh Att 5010 5711 6510 7262 7314 7364 7421
Def 5520 6292 7172 8002 8060 8114 8176
Chewbacca Att 5360 6110 6965 7770 7826 7878 7940
Def 5850 6669 7602 8481 8542 8600 8666
Han Solo Att 4260 4856 5535 6175 6219 6261 6309
Def 7470 8515 9707 10829 10908 10981 11065

Neutral 3 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
Acklay 6140 6999 7978 8900 8964 9025 9094
3360 3830 4366 4871 4906 4939 4977
Boss Nass 3780 4309 4912 5479 5518 5556 5599
3680 4195 4782 5334 5372 5409 5451
C-3P0 [Without Coverings] 2120 2416 2754 3072 3094 3115 3139
4870 5551 6328 7058 7109 7157 7213
Clone Trooper 3850 4389 5003 5581 5622 5659 5703
3850 4389 5003 5581 5622 5659 5703
Datcha 2830 3226 3677 4102 4131 4159 4191
4610 5255 5990 6682 6730 6776 6828
Dexter Jettster 3050 3477 3963 4421 4453 4483 4517
2870 3271 3728 4157 4187 4215 4249
General Ceel 3450 3933 4483 5001 5037 5071 5110
3350 3819 4353 4856 4891 4924 4962
Jabba the Hut 4080 4651 5302 5914 5957 5997 6044
4370 4981 5678 6333 6379 6422 6472
Lachichuk 4010 4571 5210 5811 5853 5892 5939
3390 3864 4404 4913 4949 4981 5020
Lama Su 2850 3249 3703 4131 4161 4189 4221
3910 4457 5080 5666 5707 5745 5791
Lobot 2710 3089 3521 3927 3956 3982 4013
3970 4525 5158 5753 5794 5834 5880
Nebit 2630 2998 3417 3812 3839 3865 3895
4710 5369 6120 6827 6876 6923 6976
Nexu 7100 8094 9227 10294 10368 10437 10518
1710 1949 2221 2477 2495 2512 2531
Rancor 4410 5027 5730 6392 6438 6482 6532
2690 3066 3495 3898 3926 3952 3984
Reek 3610 4115 4691 5232 5271 5305 5347
6390 7284 8303 9263 9330 9392 9465
Taun We 2610 2975 3391 3782 3810 3835 3865
4020 4582 5223 5826 5868 5907 5954
Wampa 4190 4776 5444 6074 6118 6159 6206
2810 3203 3651 4072 4102 4129 4162
Watto 2250 2565 2924 3261 3284 3307 3333
3450 3933 4483 5001 5037 5071 5110
URoRRuR'R'R 3150 3591 4093 4566 4599 4630 4666
4490 5118 5834 6509 6556 6600 6650


max base - max base is the stats of a base card at maximum level. 40 for 3*, 50 for 4* and 60 for 5*. for ease of use, sometimes described as evo 0.

evo 1 - card evolved to evo 1. evolved from 2 max bases (evo 0 + 0)

evo 2 - card evolved to evo 2. stats provided here is from evo 1 + 1

evo max 4 - card evolved to evo max with 4 cards. this is done by evolving with max bases only, hence evo 0 + 0 + 0 + 0

evo max 5 - card evolved to evo max with 5 cards. not a conventional evolution method but is an option if you want slightly higher stats that a evo max 4. this is done by evolving 2 evo 1s together and then with another max base, hence (1+1) + 0

evo max 6 - card evolved to evo max with 6 cards. this is done by (1) doing 2 sets of evo 1 + max base then evolving both, hence (1+0) + (1+0) or (2) evolving with 3 copies of evo 1s, hence 1 + 1 + 1

evo max perfect - card evolved to evo max with 8 cards. this is done by doing 2 sets of evo 1+ evo 1 and evolving both, hence (1+1) + (1+1)

Card Catalog (Light Side)

Light 5 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) Att 10290 11730 13372 14919 15028 15127 15244
Def 6610 7535 8589 9582 9652 9716 9791
Luke Skywalker Att 8550 9747 11111 12396 12486 12569 12666
Def 8650 9861 11241 12541 12632 12716 12814
Master Yoda Att 9140 10419 11877 13251 13347 13437 13539
Def 8840 10077 11487 12816 12909 12996 13095
Qui-Gon Jinn Att 8560 9758 11124 12411 12501 12584 12681
Def 8290 9450 10773 12019 12106 12187 12281

Light 4 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
Adi Gallia Att 6040 6885 7848 8755 8818 8878 8946
Def 5790 6600 7524 8394 8455 8511 8577
Agen Kolar Att 6250 7125 8122 9061 9126 9188 9259
Def 5680 6475 7381 8234 8294 8349 8414
Anakin Skywalker Att 5220 5950 6783 7567 7621 7673 7732
Def 5320 6064 6912 7712 7767 7820 7879
Ben Kenobi Att 5880 6703 7641 8524 8586 8643 8710
Def 6180 7045 8031 8959 9025 9084 9155
Ben Kenobi [Death Star] Att 5580 6361 7251 8089 8148 8202 8266
Def 6660 7592 8654 9656 9725 9791 9865
C-3P0 Att 2250 2565 2924 3261 3284 3307 3333
Def 6840 7797 8888 9915 9987 10054 10132
Clone Commander Cody Att 4040 4605 5249 5855 5898 5937 5983
Def 6750 7695 8772 9786 9856 9923 10000
Luminara Unduli Att 5930 6760 7706 8598 8660 8718 8784
Def 5800 6612 7537 8409 8469 8526 8592
Mace Windu Att 6670 7603 8667 9669 9739 9805 9880
Def 6250 7125 8122 9061 9126 9188 9259
Obi-Wan Kenobi [Padawan] Att 6940 7911 9018 10060 10133 10201 10280
Def 5480 6247 7121 7944 8002 8055 8117
R2-D2 Att 3740 4263 4859 5420 5460 5496 5539
Def 5690 6486 7394 8249 8309 8364 8429

Light 3 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
Aayla Secura Att 5260 5996 6835 7625 7680 7731 7791
Def 3440 3921 4469 4985 5021 5055 5094
Admiral Ackbar Att 2530 2884 3287 3667 3693 3718 3747
Def 4250 4845 5523 6161 6206 6247 6296
Anakin Skywalker [Padawan] Att 5420 6178 7042 7857 7913 7967 8027
Def 3420 3898 4443 4956 4991 5025 5065
Barriss Offee Att 4420 5038 5743 6406 6452 6495 6547
Def 4180 4765 5432 6059 6103 6144 6192
Captain Panaka Att 5260 5996 6835 7625 7680 7731 7791
Def 2920 3328 3793 4231 4261 4290 4324
Captain Typho Att 3560 4058 4626 5161 5198 5233 5273
Def 4180 4765 5432 6059 6103 6144 6192
Han Solo [Death Star] Att 5270 6007 6847 7638 7694 7745 7805
Def 3100 3534 4028 4494 4526 4556 4591
Jar Jar Binks Att 2800 3192 3638 4059 4088 4115 4147
Def 3100 3534 4028 4494 4526 4556 4591
Jocasta Nu Att 3060 3488 3976 4436 4468 4498 4532
Def 4340 4947 5639 6290 6336 6378 6428
Leia Organa Att 2860 3260 3716 4146 4176 4204 4236
Def 4400 5016 5718 6380 6426 6469 6518
Leia Organa [Death Star] Att 2980 3397 3872 4318 4349 4378 4414
Def 4800 5472 6238 6960 7010 7057 7111
Luke Skywalker [Death Star] Att 4280 4879 5562 6204 6249 6291 6340
Def 4350 4959 5653 6306 6352 6394 6444
Master Yoda [Jedi Council] Att 4870 5551 6328 7058 7109 7157 7213
Def 4920 5608 6393 7132 7183 7232 7288
Nicanas Tassu Att 3600 4104 4678 5220 5257 5293 5332
Def 3800 4332 4938 5510 5549 5587 5629
Obi-Wan Kenobi [General] Att 5640 6429 7329 8176 8236 8291 8355
Def 3960 4514 5145 5740 5781 5820 5865
Obi-Wan Kenobi [Jedi Knight] Att 4390 5004 5704 6364 6410 6453 6502
Def 4500 5130 5848 6525 6572 6616 6666
Pablo-Jill Att 4790 5460 6224 6944 6994 7041 7095
Def 3110 3545 4041 4507 4540 4570 4606
Padme Amidala [In Disguise] Att 2720 3100 3534 3942 3971 3997 4028
Def 4440 5061 5769 6435 6482 6525 6576
Perosei Att 2400 2736 3119 3479 3504 3527 3555
Def 4160 4742 5405 6030 6073 6114 6161
Qui-Gon Jinn Att 3690 4206 4794 5349 5387 5424 5465
Def 5290 6030 6874 7669 7725 7776 7836
Sephjet Josall Att 3740 4263 4859 5420 5460 5496 5539
Def 3660 4172 4756 5306 5344 5380 5421


max base - max base is the stats of a base card at maximum level. 40 for 3*, 50 for 4* and 60 for 5*. for ease of use, sometimes described as evo 0.

evo 1 - card evolved to evo 1. evolved from 2 max bases (evo 0 + 0)

evo 2 - card evolved to evo 2. stats provided here is from evo 1 + 1

evo max 4 - card evolved to evo max with 4 cards. this is done by evolving with max bases only, hence evo 0 + 0 + 0 + 0

evo max 5 - card evolved to evo max with 5 cards. not a conventional evolution method but is an option if you want slightly higher stats that a evo max 4. this is done by evolving 2 evo 1s together and then with another max base, hence (1+1) + 0

evo max 6 - card evolved to evo max with 6 cards. this is done by (1) doing 2 sets of evo 1 + max base then evolving both, hence (1+0) + (1+0) or (2) evolving with 3 copies of evo 1s, hence 1 + 1 + 1

evo max perfect - card evolved to evo max with 8 cards. this is done by doing 2 sets of evo 1+ evo 1 and evolving both, hence (1+1) + (1+1)

Card Catalog (Dark Side)

Dark 5 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
Darth Vader Att 9090 10362 11812 13179 13274 13363 13465
Def 9000 10260 11696 13050 13144 13232 13333
Darth Maul Att 8740 9963 11357 12670 12762 12847 12946
Def 8490 9678 11032 12309 12398 12481 12576
Dooku Att  6870 7831 8927 9959 10031 10099 10176
Def 10120 11536 13151 14672 14778 14877 14992

Dark 4 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
4-LOM Att 4830 5506 6276 7003 7053 7101 7154
Def 5330 6076 6926 7728 7783 7836 7895
Aurra Sing Att 4040 4605 5249 5855 5898 5937 5983
Def 7330 8356 9525 10627 10703 10775 10858
Boba Fett Att 5840 6657 7588 8465 8526 8584 8650
Def 6500 7410 8447 9424 9492 9555 9629
Bossk Att 4070 4639 5288 5898 5941 5981 6028
Def 6190 7056 8043 8973 9037 9098 9169
Clone Commander Cody Att 4240 4833 5509 6145 6190 6231 6280
Def 6550 7467 8512 9496 9564 9629 9703
Darth Vader (Death Star) Att 6920 7888 8992 10032 10105 10172 10250
Def 5690 6486 7394 8249 8309 8364 8429
Grand Moff Tarkin Att 2920 3328 3793 4231 4261 4290 4324
Def 6790 7740 8823 9843 9914 9980 10058
IG-88B Att 6470 7375 8407 9379 9447 9511 9583
Def 4060 4628 5275 5885 5927 5967 6013
Jango Fett Att 7520 8572 9772 10902 10982 11054 11140
Def 5170 5893 6718 7493 7548 7598 7658
Sebulba Att 4840 5517 6289 7015 7067 7113 7169
Def 4740 5403 6159 6870 6921 6966 7021
Zuckuss Att 4640 5289 6029 6725 6775 6819 6873
Def 5530 6304 7186 8018 8076 8130 8192

Dark 3 Stars 0+0+0+0 1+1+0 (1+0)+(1+0) (1+1) + (1+1)
max base evo 1 evo 2 evo max 4 evo max 5 evo max 6 evo max perfect
Admiral Ozzel Att 2580 2941 3352 3738 3765 3790 3821
Def 4000 4560 5198 5800 5841 5881 5925
Admiral Piett Att 2460 2804 3196 3566 3591 3616 3643
Def 4120 4696 5353 5971 6014 6054 6102
Anakin Skywalker (Sith) Att 5990 6828 7783 8683 8745 8804 8872
Def 3480 3967 4522 5044 5080 5115 5155
B1 Battle Droid: C-3P0 Att 4680 5335 6081 6784 6833 6879 6932
Def 3880 4423 5042 5624 5664 5703 5747
B2 Super Battle Droid Att 4810 5483 6250 6972 7022 7070 7125
Def 3020 3442 3923 4376 4407 4437 4472
Boba Fett Att 5400 6156 7017 7829 7885 7938 7999
Def 3250 3705 4223 4711 4745 4777 4814
C-3P0: Battle Droid Att 2690 3066 3495 3898 3926 3952 3984
Def 2880 3283 3742 4173 4203 4231 4265
Darth Vader Att 5940 6771 7718 8610 8672 8731 8798
Def 3580 4081 4652 5189 5226 5262 5303
Daultay Dofine Att 2200 2508 2859 3189 3212 3233 3259
Def 3042 3467 3952 4407 4439 4469 4505
Dooku Att 3600 4104 4678 5220 5257 5293 5332
Def 5700 6498 7407 8264 8323 8379 8443
Droideka Att 2210 2519 2871 3202 3225 3247 3272
Def 5870 6691 7627 8508 8570 8627 8694
General Grevious Att 5780 6589 7511 8379 8440 8496 8562
Def 3770 4297 4898 5463 5502 5540 5583
Greedo Att 3540 4035 4599 5130 5167 5202 5242
Def 3060 3488 3976 4436 4468 4498 4532
IG-88B Att 4060 4628 5275 5885 5927 5967 6013
Def 3670 4183 4768 5318 5356 5393 5435
Jango Fett Att 4720 5380 6133 6842 6891 6938 6991
Def 3900 4446 5068 5655 5695 5734 5777
Lott Dod Att 2100 2394 2729 3044 3065 3086 3111
Def 3500 3990 4548 5074 5111 5144 5184
MagnaGuard Att 4260 4856 5535 6175 6219 6261 6309
Def 4180 4765 5432 6059 6103 6144 6192
Nute Gunray Att 3240 3693 4210 4695 4729 4761 4799
Def 3520 4012 4573 5101 5138 5172 5213
OOM-09 Att 3860 4400 5016 5596 5637 5674 5718
Def 4180 4765 5432 6059 6103 6144 6192
Poggle the Lesser Att 4120 4696 5353 5971 6014 6054 6102
Def 2680 3055 3482 3883 3911 3937 3969
Sandtrooper Att 4200 4788 5458 6090 6134 6175 6222
Def 3560 4058 4626 5161 5198 5233 5273
Scout Trooper and 74-Z Speed Bike Att 4720 5380 6133 6842 6891 6938 6991
Def 3080 3511 4002 4463 4496 4525 4562
Snowtrooper Att 3560 4058 4626 5161 5198 5233 5273
Def 4080 4651 5302 5914 5957 5997 6044
Stormtrooper Att 4080 4651 5302 5914 5957 5997 6044
Def 3760 4286 4886 5451 5491 5527 5570
Stormtrooper (Death Star) Att 3000 3420 3898 4349 4380 4409 4443
Def 4320 4924 5613 6261 6306 6348 6398
Wat Tambor Att 3060 3488 3976 4436 4468 4498 4532
Def 3160 3602 4106 4581 4614 4645 4680


max base - max base is the stats of a base card at maximum level. 40 for 3*, 50 for 4* and 60 for 5*. for ease of use, sometimes described as evo 0.

evo 1 - card evolved to evo 1. evolved from 2 max bases (evo 0 + 0)

evo 2 - card evolved to evo 2. stats provided here is from evo 1 + 1

evo max 4 - card evolved to evo max with 4 cards. this is done by evolving with max bases only, hence evo 0 + 0 + 0 + 0

evo max 5 - card evolved to evo max with 5 cards. not a conventional evolution method but is an option if you want slightly higher stats that a evo max 4. this is done by evolving 2 evo 1s together and then with another max base, hence (1+1) + 0

evo max 6 - card evolved to evo max with 6 cards. this is done by (1) doing 2 sets of evo 1 + max base then evolving both, hence (1+0) + (1+0) or (2) evolving with 3 copies of evo 1s, hence 1 + 1 + 1

evo max perfect - card evolved to evo max with 8 cards. this is done by doing 2 sets of evo 1+ evo 1 and evolving both, hence (1+1) + (1+1)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

info / disclaimer

Star Wars Force Collection is a mobile trading card game published by Konami. It is available free to play for iOS and android devices.

I started this blog because I love Star Wars and the game itself has really grown on me. I want to state clearly that I am in no way affiliated with Konami, Star Wars (& or Disney) and that all opinions stated in this blog are my own.

I do love number crunching and studying game mechanics a lot and I hope to be able to provide you with interesting tips and suggestions to improve your gameplay!